TIL klubber, dommere etc.
Trondheim, 7.oktober 2024
Styret i Bokseklubben av 1930 må dessverre informere dere alle om at årets Legacy Box Cup er avlyst. Dette skyldes intern uro i klubben, samt sykdom hos sentrale personer, noe som gjør at vi verken har ressurser eller energi til å gjennomføre et så stort arrangement denne høsten.
Vi har prøvd de siste ukene å finne gode og praktiske løsninger, men vi har ikke lykkes med dette. Dermed er det ikke lenger mulig eller forsvarlig pr dags dato å gjennomføre turneringen.
Vi beklager sterkt de ulemper dette medfører for boksere, trenere, ledere og dommere, men vi satser på å komme sterkere tilbake neste år.
Styret i Bokseklubben av 1930

The sum-up: Some unfortunate illness and injuries led to some deregistration the week before a cup, but a total of 175 weighed-in boxers gave a two perfect days of boxing.
A total of 134 bouts divided on 69 diploma bouts and 65 ordinary bouts Both debutants and experienced boxers where in action when the Norwegian Boxing Family is gathered We congratulate all contestants!
A special congratulations to all prize winners, and specially to this year's Legacy Champions: Gabrielle Reid (Wimborne Boxing Club, ENG) and Iskender Ecinci (Romerike Bokseklubb, NOR) Out good neighbour boxing club Ulf-An Boxing took the prize for best club with a total of 14 boxers – boys and girls, represented in both rings
Thanks to all clubs that took the trip to Trondheim, and thanks to all judges, officials and medicals that made the tournament possible. Thanks to all the voluntaries from B-30 Boxing Club that contributed throughout the weekend We are honoured to carry forward with the proud boxing traditions through Legacy Box Cup
We hope to see you all again next year! Save the dates - last weekend of October 2024 Rumour has it the Quality Panorama Hotel will be twice as big next year, which will be great for the tournament!
Thanks again for a great weekend!
- Best diploma male: Oscar Shane Moeller, Tønsbergkameratene
- Best diploma female: Darcy Cooper, Wimborne Boxing Club (ENG) Best junior male: Eldar Redzic, Moss BK
- Best junior female: Ihne Tårnes Stavnes, B-30
- Best youth male: Carey Lian, Grimstad BK
- Best elite male and Legacy Champion 2023: Iskender Ecinci, Romerike BK
- Best elite female and Legacy Champion 2023: Gabrielle Reid, Wimborne Boxing Club (ENG)
- Best Fighter: Balder Følke, Nidaros Bokseklubb
- Best Club: Ulf-AN Boxing Club
- Best Judge: Nina Tårnes, B-30
- Best Referee: Yaqoob Hussein, ENG

Takk til Trondheim kommune og Trøndelag fylkeskommune for viktige bidrag!!!

Oppdatering 21.10.2023: 219 påmeldte
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